New Pairings for the New Season

As a counterpoint to our compilation of splits and retirements, the new North American partnerships emerging from the ashes: Ice Dance Canada Alicia Fabbri and Paul Ayer Irina Galiyanova and Grayson Lochhead Cassidy MacFarlane and Alexandre Faucher Olivia McIsaac and Corey Circelli Ashlynne Stairs and Elliott Graham USA Leah Krauskopf and Evan Walter Bailey Melton…

A Program Component Score Guide for the Olympic Viewer

by Jacquelyn Thayer Olympic figure skating commentators tend to keep the sport’s coverage in a classic 6.0 mindset: there is a technical elements mark, obviously used to score things like jumps and twizzles, and an “artistic” or “presentation” mark — meant to score something less definable, based heavily on subjective emotions and tastes. It’s true…